Gujranwala to Shujaabad Distance, Routes & Travel Duration

Gujranwala to Shujaabad Distance, Routes & Travel Duration

 The journey from Gujranwala to Shujaabad can be traversed by various means of transportation, each offering its unique experience, distance, and travel duration. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the available modes of travel, distances, routes, and durations for this journey.

By Car:

Distance: Approximately 300 kilometers (186 miles)

  • Start from Gujranwala, take the Gujranwala - Lahore Road.
  • Continue on Lahore Bypass/Ring Road to Multan Road/N5.
  • Take Multan Road/N5 towards Shujaabad.

Travel Duration: Around 4 to 5 hours, depending on traffic conditions and speed.

By Bus:

Distance: Similar to the car journey - about 300 kilometers (186 miles).
Route: Bus services usually follow major highways like the N5 that connects Gujranwala to Shujaabad.

Travel Duration: Typically takes around 5 to 6 hours, including stops and traffic variations.

By Train:

There isn’t a direct train route from Gujranwala to Shujaabad. However, travelers can opt for a train journey that involves transferring at certain stations.

  • Gujranwala to Multan via train.
  • Then, Multan to Shujaabad via another mode of transport, like a taxi or bus.

Distance: Varies based on the specific train route and the subsequent journey to Shujaabad.

Travel Duration: Train travel from Gujranwala to Multan takes approximately 4 to 5 hours, and the additional leg of the journey can add another 1 to 2 hours.

By Air:

There are no direct flights from Gujranwala to Shujaabad as neither city has its own airport. The nearest major airport to Shujaabad is Multan International Airport.

  • Gujranwala to Multan via flight.
  • Then, Multan to Shujaabad via road transport.

Distance: Air travel involves a significant distance due to the indirect route via Multan.

Travel Duration: Flight duration from Gujranwala to Multan is approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. The subsequent road journey from Multan to Shujaabad takes around 1 to 2 hours.

By Motorcycle/Bike:

Distance: Around 300 kilometers (186 miles), similar to car travel.
Route: Follow the roadways mentioned in the car journey description.

Travel Duration: Approximately 5 to 6 hours, considering speed and breaks.

On Foot:

Traveling from Gujranwala to Shujaabad on foot is not a feasible option due to the substantial distance and multiple cities to traverse. The distance is too vast for practical pedestrian travel.


  • Car/Bus/Train: Approximately 300 kilometers (186 miles), taking around 4 to 6 hours depending on the mode of transport and traffic.
  • Flight: Indirect via Multan, involving air and road travel, totaling about 2 to 3 hours.
  • Motorcycle/Bike: Similar distance to cars, taking 5 to 6 hours.
  • On Foot: Not practical due to the extensive distance.

The choice of transportation depends on personal preferences regarding comfort, speed, and convenience. Each mode offers a unique experience while traversing the distance between Gujranwala and Shujaabad.

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